Category Holistic Clinic

These days we are consistently being presented with the idea of adding yoga into our daily routines. Social media, influencers, celebrities and friends may all be singing praises about this particular form of exercise right now. The beautiful poses and the serene faces may have already sparked your interest. However with any new adventure you may want to know more about the exercise itself and why it has gained popularity in recent years.

What is Yoga?

Yoga itself is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. There are quite a few varieties of Yoga schools, practices and goals. The western world has adopted the modern form of "Hatha" Yoga as an exercise. This version is based mostly on the "asanas" or postures.

While increasing your stamina and strength, Yoga is also a mental practice. Yoga students or Yogis often seek to experience and become aware of the internal and external energy. Spirit or energy is believed to be a higher consciousness, a motivation behind everything we think and do. Becoming aware of this can be an essential part of the Yoga practice for some. Meditation or Asana usually is used to open a yoga class to help keep ones thoughts positive and stay focused, which enhances the flow of the class. Savasana or corpse pose is also used at the end of a yoga session to relax both mind and body.

Types of Yoga

Although Yoga itself dates way back to 3000 BCE, a few main methods or traditions have emerged into our modern world.

  • Anusara- This is a relative newcomer to the Yoga world. This style is based on the belief that we are all filled with an intrinsic goodness. Anusara seeks to use the physical practice of Yoga to help students open their hearts, experience grace and let their inner goodness shine.
  • Ashtanga- This teaching is based on ancient Yoga teachings. It's a rigorous style of Yoga that follows a specific sequence of postures and is similar to vinyasa yoga, as each style links every movement to a breath. The difference is that Ashtanga always performs the exact same poses in the exact same order. This is a very physically demanding routine normally.
  • Bikram- In a Bikram Yoga class the room is artificially heated. While you work your way through a series of 26 poses, you will sweat like never before. Bikram Yoga always follows the same sequence, although this sequence is different from Ashtanga.
  • Hatha- Hatha Yoga refers to any type of yoga that teaches physical postures. Nearly every type of class taught in the West is considered Hatha Yoga. Although you may not work up a sweat, it leaves you feeling looser and more relaxed.
  • Hot Yoga- This is almost the same as Bikram, however hot yoga deviates from the Bikram's sequence.
  • Iyengar- This is a very meticulous style of Yoga with utmost attention pad to finding the proper alignment in a pose. Usually a Iyengar studio will stock a wide variety of yoga props such as blocks, blankets, straps, chairs and bolsters. Although physically and mentally challenging, you probably wont get your heart rate up.. This style is excellent for ones dealing with an injury or chronic condition.
  • Restorative- Restorative yoga is an excellent way to relax and soothe frazzled nerves. Also known as Yin Yoga, this style also uses props so the student can enjoy the benefits of a pose without having to exert much effort.
  • Vinyasa- These classes are often known for their fluid movement-intense practices. Vinyasa teachers sequence their classes so as to smoothly transition from pose to pose, linking breath and movement. Usually no two classes are the same, music is sometimes played.

The Physical Benefits of Your Yoga Journey

The physical benefits of Yoga is usually what draws many to begin their yoga journey. That mean along with reducing stress and anxiety, yoga also helps with...

  • Flexibility
  • Muscle strength and tone
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • maintains a balanced metabolism
  • weight reduction
  • cardio and circulatory health
  • improved athletic performance
  • protection from injury
  • improved posture

Doctors often recommend yoga for pain management, high blood pressure, weight loss and rehabilitation therapy along with countless other medical conditions. The healthcare world's acceptance of yoga is partly due to quite a bit of clinical research that now documents yoga's proven benefits for a range of health conditions. This includes back pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Yoga is also now considered a proven method to alleviate the side effects of cancer treatment.

Amare Healing Arts and The Yoga Journey

At Amare Healing Arts yoga workshops are held to give you a stable foundation for your Yoga Journey. Private classes are available along with group beginner sessions.

About Amare Healing Arts, The Author

Amare Healing Arts Plastic Surgery Recovery Center and Holistic Clinic was founded in 2017 and is located at 24 N 3rd Ave Highland Park, NJ and 1492 Morris ave. Union, NJ. We specialize in the European Vodder style of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) for everything from post-op surgery recovery to cancer, autoimmune, and many other medical conditions resulting in side effects of edema, inflammation, and swelling. Amare’s Plastic Surgery Recovery Center not only offers MLD treatment for all surgeries, but provides full support for our clients through their post-op journey. Our Holistic Clinic offers natural healing modalities like medical massage, yoga, and Ayurvedic life coaching.