Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage for Autoimmune, Lymphedema & Lipedema

Our Lymphatic Massage Autoimmune Lymphedema Lipedema sessions help to decrease inflammation, pain, soreness, side effects of chemo, detox and heal the body..

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is commonly used for reducing edema (swelling) through the body. It is widely successful in decreasing flare ups that often come with autoimmune diseases, helping manage and maintain autoimmune symptoms.

Lymphedema and Lipedema are lymphatic conditions that involve painful, extreme levels of swelling and are chronic conditions.

Lymphedema can be primary (at birth/genetic) or secondary (after lymph node removal). Lymphedema is most commonly seen after breast cancer lymph node removal.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is also well known for cancer recovery to get rid of bloating and swelling after chemo, detox side effects of cancer and helping to heal destruction on the body from cancer treatments.

The Amare Healing Arts Approach

At Amare, we use Lymphatic Massage for Autoimmune, Lymphedema and Lipedema to help to decrease inflammation, pain, soreness, side effects of chemo, detox and heal the body.. Using the Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage technique, we optimize the lymphatic system, boost immunity, reduce swelling, support tissue healing and help optimize the medical treatments that are already in progress.


Autoimmune diseases always come with inflammation (swelling) which if left in the tissues, can become hard and turn into fibrotic scar tissue. Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage triggers the body to absorb excess swelling from the tissues, prevent fibrosis and relieve the toxins causing the body to attack itself.

Having an autoimmune disease can be a confusing. There are so many different types and diagnosis. Often times the doctors don't have a diagnosis and just classify your symptoms as autoimmune.

Autoimmune is your body attacking itself causing nerve pain, inflammation, chronic fatigue and other symptoms that affect quality of everyday life. Doctors often have the approach of managing symptoms and pain. Common treatments often prescribed for autoimmune diseases such as pain meds, immunosuppressants and anti-inflammatories that pollute the body, stagnate the lymph system, increasing the rate of infection, take a toll on the organs and body long term.

At Amare we find the root cause for the body attacking itself, detox the system and jump start the healing process.

Lymphatic Massage Autoimmune Lymphedema NJ

The Amare Autoimmune Recovery Protocol

 We recommend starting with our 5 session Manual Lymphatic Drainage detox package to detox stagnant swelling, decrease inflammation and optimize the lymphatic system. 

During these sessions we will not only be administering the lymphatic drainage massage, but also addressing the root cause of the disease, setting up a treatment plan and teaching you how to take care of your body to prevent a relapse of symptoms. 

Amare's treatment plans are to be used in conjunction with your current medical care. We always start with the medicines and treatment already in place by your doctor or primary care provider, while making small dietary and lifestyle changes to address the symptoms.

For maintenance we recommend one session a month depending on your treatment plan and condition.

Common Autoimmune diseases we use Manual Lymphatic Drainage to manage

These sessions are not currently covered by insurance.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (R.A)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Lyme Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis (M.S)
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • IBS
  • Lupus
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Celiac Disease
  • and more

As a Holistic Clinic, we specialize in helping the body recover and heal after traumas such chronic stress, inflammatory reactions, and other events that trigger and cause autoimmune disease.

Lymphatic Massage Autoimmune Lymphedema New Jersey

Lymphedema is swelling (edema) that occurs in an arm or leg, but can also occur in the chest wall, abdomen, neck and genitals.

The condition is caused by a blockage or breakage in the lymphatic system. Lymphedema is most commonly caused by lymph node removal or damage due to cancer treatment. Lymphedema is a chronic swelling condition which there is no current cure for.

Treatment for this condition is focused on decongest the tissues of the excess swelling to prevent complications like fibrosis and compression garments. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the most commonly known treatment for lymphedema.

At Amare, we offer Manual lymphatic Drainage sessions with our Certified Lymphedema Therapist to help with compression garment fitting, ordering, Manual lymphatic Drainage Massage to re route the excess swelling and decongest the limb of excess swelling.
These sessions are not currently covered by insurance.

Lymphatic Massage Autoimmune Lymphedema

Lipedema, also known as painful fat syndrome, is a chronic condition that causes abnormal fat buildup in the lower part of your body. Lipedema is most commonly found in the butt, thighs and calves. It can also present in the hips or upper arms.

Although the cause of lipedema is unknown, it is found to be genetic and is most common in women. Lipedema tends to worsen or start to develop during hormonal changes such as puberty, menopause, and pregnancy.

This condition also involves swelling around the fat cells, making skin sensitive, sore and bruise easily.

Treatment includes liposuction surgery, compression garments and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

We offer Manual Lymphatic Drainage sessions to reduce tenderness, sensitivity, bruising, heaviness, help with compression garments, preparing for and recover after liposuction lipedema removal surgery.

These sessions are not currently covered by insurance.

Cancer recovery Manual Lymphatic Drainage

The most important part of cancer recovery is detoxing the body!

Weather you're going the traditional route taking chemo, radiation and other medications or using holistic modalities, the body needs to recover and can't if its polluted with built up toxins, swelling and dead tissue.

One of the most common side effects of cancer treatment is severe swelling (edema). Causes of edema are lymph nodes/vessels being damaged from radiation or removed, side effects of medications and the cancer itself. When the lymph system is damaged, fluid leaks out into the tissue and is unable to be reabsorbed normally, stagnating, becoming toxic, creating pressure and pain in the body.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Cancer Recovery reroutes the fluid to the working lymph vessels and nodes to absorbed back into the bloodstream expelled through the urine.

Lymphatic Massage Autoimmune Lymphedema New Jersey