Whether you are planning on plastic surgery in the future or are already tucked in to bed not feeling much like yourself amidst the pain and soreness of recovery from a procedure. You most likely want the fastest route to feeling like your old self. This is why Manual Lymphatic Drainage is suggested for post plastic surgery patients.

Even though Manual Lymphatic Drainage or MLD is rooted in Europe, it has quickly begun to get popular in the States for speeding up recovery dramatically and reducing pain while not affecting the final result of surgery. You may have heard of MLD on either post-surgery blogs, YouTube, plastic surgery recovery forums. MLD has even been mentioned on The Real Self website. This treatment is also promoted and supported by board certified plastic surgeons.

Plastic Surgery on the Rise

It's clear to see why plastic surgery has become a social norm. Social media has had a major role in encouraging people to be comfortable considering plastic surgery as an available option without having to worry about the stigma. New tech and procedures have also opened this avenue up to people who possibly could not afford this option before. There are many types of plastic surgery now, a few popular procedures are,

  • Breast augmentation
  • Liposuction
  • Nose reshaping
  • Eyebrow or eyelids lift
  • Facelift
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
  • Fat transfer
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Body sculpting procedures

As stated before there are now quite a few minimally invasive procedures available to most people now:

  • Botox
  • Fillers
  • Chemical Peels
  • Platelet-Rich plasma (PRP) injections

A group of people have also elected for some kind of plastic surgery not for cosmetic reasons, but for a better quality of life. A nose reshaping procedure could be help a patient with snoring or breathing issues, a breast reduction could be settled upon to relieve back pain.

MLD Assisted Recovery

Complications are often behind extended recovery time. Some possible complications from plastic surgery can range from simple swelling, pain, soreness and bruising to scar tissue formation and Fibrosis. Fibrosis is a stagnant lymphatic system that has become sluggish. This causes thick tissue to form, the shows as hard lumps and bumps.

These complications are to be expected. The lack of full body movement creates a build up of lymph fluid in the vessels. The whole reason why many surgeons will recommend post-op treatments is to prevent this build up from even happening in the first place. MLD being a gentle skin massage that guides the lymph fluid through the vessels again to promote this movement in the lymph system. Doing so can reduce healing times from 8-16 months to 1-3 months. The biggest game changer is that MLD not only prevents Fibrosis but reverses it, keeping scars from becoming too obvious and protecting your plastic surgery results.

What to Watch Out For!

As with most things that become increasingly popular, many claim to be “Professionals”. Choosing an after-care treatment for something as expensive and delicate as plastic surgery can turn into a dangerous situation. If you hear of someone claiming to be certified to offer “lymphatic massage”, be wary. Many are not truthful, and in fact use tactics that can do more harm then good. This includes heat, colored light, deep pressure, extraction of fluid, cutting incisions open and vibrations. These elements can actually can stagnate and cause the lymph fluid to build up. This of course results in pain as well as an increase in edema, swelling and fibrosis. The worst case senario being permanent damage.

Amare Healing Arts takes pride in providing the best quality service, knowing full well that proper MLD massages are only performed with hands and is extremely gentle. This is why board-certified plastic surgeons recommend treatments at Amare Healing Arts as soon as 48 hours post-op. Each personalized treatment includes checking incision sites, eliminating scar tissue and ensuring that patients have proper post-op supplies. A custom lifestyle plan is also developed so a person can continue to see results between treatments.

Feel free to reach out to Amare Healing Arts with any questions regarding Manual Lymphatic Drainage and post plastic surgery treatments. 732-841-0142

Amare Healing Arts is trusted and referred to by the following surrounding surgeons:

  • Dr. Nikesh Patel- New Reflections Plastic Surgery, Freehold NJ
  • Dr. Harry Haramis- Associates in Plastic Surgery, Edison NJ
  • Dr. Joanna Partridge- Partridge Plastic Surgery, North Brunswick NJ
  • Sono Bello, NY NJ PA GA
  • Elite Body Sculpture

For even more information about plastic surgery and manual lymphatic drainage subscribe to our YouTube channel HERE!

About Amare Healing Arts, The Author

Amare Healing Arts Plastic Surgery Recovery Center and Holistic Clinic was founded in 2017 and is located at 24 N 3rd Ave Highland Park, NJ and 433 N Broad Sr. Elizabeth, NJ. We specialize in the European Vodder style of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) for everything from post-op surgery recovery to cancer, autoimmune, and many other medical conditions resulting in side effects of edema, inflammation, and swelling. Amare’s Plastic Surgery Recovery Center not only offers MLD treatment for all surgeries, but provides full support for our clients through their post-op journey. Our Holistic Clinic offers natural healing modalities like medical massage, yoga, and Ayurvedic life coaching.